Partial mosaic depicting a variety of animals that would be used in amphitheatre spectacles. There are seven rows of approximately three animals each that are arranged in alternating patterns: bear flanked by boars or bulls and a boar or bull flanked by bears, with the exception of the bottom row which also includes a deer and an ostrich (Dunbabin 1978: p.72). The bears are all named: --] ITVS, NILVS, FEDRA, ALECSANDRIA, SIMPLICIVS, GLORIOSVS, BRACIATVS. The only remaining bull of this mosaic has the stable mark of AR and number N XVI on its flank and is the only animal on this mosaic that is numbered (Dunbabin 1978: p.72). The number XVI on the bull most likely references how many bulls took part in the spectacle (Dunbabin 2016: p.201). The partial inscription of MORI is found at the top left.