The mosaic represents a chariot in the circus, with spectators (heads only represented) watching, in a rather naive style with squat stylised figures. This complex scene is presented from a ‘bird’s eye view, with the spina represented running down the race track. The spina is decorated with several obelisks. The artist has made an effort to represent lions within the structure of the spina, which may be a reference to the complexity of games held in the circus, that also included venationes (animal hunts). To the right are the carceres (starting gate) with four arched openings within which are nude, running male figures, placed at awkward angles relative to the gates. Again, this may be a reference to athletic competitions included as part of games. There are four chariots racing, two each on either side of the spina. Well preserved are those above the spina, chariots of the Green and Blue factiones (factions). Various attendants, some at odd angles are also represented. Above the circus are spectators under arches, shown only as heads, or busts. Other structures are also pictured in the arena, like the temple in the top left.