Kalinowski, Angela


Panathenaic Amphora with Foot Race
Panathenaic Amphora with Foot Race
Black-figure panathenaic amphora depicting four nude males running. Two of the figures are bearded., Dates to c. 530-520 BCE., British Museum. “prize/trophy/panathenaic amphora.” The British Museum Collections Online. Accessed November 22, 2017. http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=399633&partId=1&searchText=greek
Panathenaic Amphora with Hoplite Race
Panathenaic Amphora with Hoplite Race
Black-figure panathenaic amphora depicting three nude male figures, each wearing a helmet and holding decorated hoplite shields., Dates to c. 490-480 BCE., British Museum. “prize/trophy/panathenaic amphora.” The British Museum Collections Online. Accessed November 22, 2017. http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=399516&partId=1&searchText=greek
Panathenaic Amphora with Nike (Victory)
Panathenaic Amphora with Nike (Victory)
Panathenaic amphora depicting the winged goddess Nike crowning a nude male boxer. Two other figures, a nude athlete and a clothed judge, stand on either side of the central figures., Dates to c. 363-362 BCE.
Panathenaic Amphora with Pankration
Panathenaic Amphora with Pankration
Black-figure panathenaic amphora. Athena is depicted on the obverse standing between two columns decorated with statues of Nike. Inscriptions are found vertically along the inside of the columns. The reverse depicts four figures, three nude male athletes and one clothed judge holding a palm branch in one hand and a wreath in the other. The two central athletes are in the midst of competing in the pankration while the athlete on the left is an ephedros and waits for the competition to conclude., Dates to c. 332-331 BCE. An ephedros is a contestant who has a bye to the next round., British Museum. “prize/trophy ; Panaethenaic amphora.” The British Museum Collections Online. Accessed July 6, 2017. http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=398906&partId=1&searchText=sport&page=85
Panathenaic Amphora with tethrippon
Panathenaic Amphora with tethrippon
Black-figure panathenaic amphora depicting a charioteer and a four horse chariot (tethrippon). An inscription is written vertically alongside a column ']ΘΕΝ[...]ΘΛΟΝ' meaning 'from the games at Athens'. (The J. Paul Getty Trust, 2017)., Dates to c. 490-480 BCE., The J. Paul Getty Trust. "Attic Panathenaic Amphora". Accessed May 30 2017. http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/7596/kleophrades-painter-attic-panathenaic-amphora-greek-attic-490-480-bc/
