Kalinowski, Angela


Kylix with Athlete
Kylix with Athlete
Red-figure kylix depicting a male nude athlete holding halteres with javelins behind him. Inscribed on the vessel is ATHENDOTOS KALOS., Dates to c. 510-500 BCE. Inscription reads "Athendotos is handsome".
Kylix with Athlete
Kylix with Athlete
Red-figure kylix depicting a young male nude athlete about to throw a discus., Dates to c. 430 BCE., British Museum. “cup.” The British Museum Collections Online. Accessed May 19, 2017. http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=399194&partId=1&searchText=greek
Kylix with Athlete
Kylix with Athlete
Red-figure kylix. On the exterior a nude male youth stands next to a pillar and a suspended wreath. The other side depicts a draped woman holding a wreath in her left hand above a similar pillar. The interior shows a nude satyr leaning on another pillar., Dates to c. 410-380 BCE in the Late Classical Period., Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Terracotta stemless kylix (drinking cup)." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Online. Accessed November 15, 2017. http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/255294
Kylix with Athletes
Kylix with Athletes
Fragmentary red-figure terracotta kylix depicting athletes. The interior show a draped male youth holding a staff. The exterior depicts five athletes and only the legs of a sixth draped figure, presumably a judge or trainer. In front of this individual stand two of the athletes preparing their javelins by tying an ankyle (thin leather thong) around the javelin. (Miller, 2006: pp.69-71). On the other side, three athletes stand next to pillars with a strigil, sandals, and a sponge hanging in the background, two of which clean themselves with strigils (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2017)., Dates to c. 500-475 BCE and is attributed to the Antiphon Painter., Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Terracotta kylix (drinking cup)." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Online. Accessed November 22, 2017. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/246584 Miller, Stephen G. Ancient Greek Athletics. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006.
Kylix with Athletes
Kylix with Athletes
Red-Figure kylix depicting athletes. The interior depicts a nude male athlete holding halteres (jumping weights). Standing next to him is a bearded trainer with a staff. The exterior depicts three nude male athletes, one holding a javelin, and a trainer holding a staff., Dates to c. 460-450 BCE and is attributed to the Euaion Painter., Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Terracotta kylix (drinking cup)." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Online. Accessed November 29, 2017. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/246635
Kylix with Athletes
Kylix with Athletes
Red-figure kylix depicting athletes exercising under the supervision of their trainers. The exterior depicts four trainers (one bearded); three of which are standing directing the athletes with staff and one sits with his hand resting upon a staff. Eight of the figures are male nude athletes. Three are practicing throwing a discus, two practice throwing javelins, one practices jumping holding halteres (jumping weights), and two stand off to the side with no equipment observing the other athletes. The interior also depicts a single nude male athlete practicing throwing a discus. Halteres, a pick, and an unidentified piece of equipment are depicted in the background., Dates to c. 510 BCE and is attributed to the manner of the Epeleios Painter., Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Terracotta kylix (drinking cup)." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Online. Accessed November 22, 2017. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/254305
Kylix with Athletes
Kylix with Athletes
Red-figure kylix depicting a variety of athletic scenes. The interior depicts two male figures, one a clothed paidotribe and the other a young male nude athlete. On the exterior are two different scenes of athletes. The first depicts two nude male boxers, two nude male pancratiasts, and a trainer. Above the figures hangs a discus in a bag and a pair of thongs. The other side depicts five male figures, four of which are nude athletes. The figure on the left is a hoplitodromos wearing greaves and a fillet while holding his shield and helmet. The next figure is the clothed trainer holding a stick. The next two figures are boxers in the midst of a match and the last figure is another boxer holding the thongs outstretched between his hands. Two pairs of thongs are depicted in the background, one hanging on the wall and the other draped over a column., Dates to c. 490-480 BCE., British Museum. “kylix.” The British Museum Collections Online. Accessed July 5, 2017. http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=399793&partId=1&searchText=sport&page=86
Kylix with Athletes
Kylix with Athletes
Red-figure kylix depicting athletes. The exterior is fragmented; the remaining images show nude male athletes practicing with various equipment including halteres and a discus. The bottom portion of a clothed figure is also depicted. The interior show a nude male youth athlete holding a discus with a single halter by his feet., Dates to the 1st quarter of the 5th century BCE. It is attributed to the Antiphon Painter., Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Terracotta kylix (drinking cup)." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Online. Accessed November 22, 2017. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/247928
Kylix with Athletes
Kylix with Athletes
Red-figure kylix depicting a male youth and a man kissing on the interior. The outside of the vessel depicts various athletes participating in the pentathlon. Sporting equipment and an altar appear in the background., Dates to c. 510-500 BCE., The J. Paul Getty Trust. "Attic Red-Figure Kylix." The J. Paul Getty Museum. Accessed November 22, 2017. http://www.getty.edu/art/collection/objects/10928/attributed-to-carpenter-painter-attic-red-figure-kylix-greek-attic-510-500-bc/
